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Want to ensure your coaching/mentoring remains cutting edge?

Supervision service for coaches and mentors
July 27, 2014

Kairos Supervision services homageTania West now has some limited spaces available for coaches or mentors seeking supervision for their practice.  According to the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) Supervision is as essential for coaches and mentors as a car service is for a car!   We service our cars not because there is necessarily something wrong with them but because we want to ensure they continue to run well.  The same is true of supervision.  As professional coaches and mentors we want to ensure that we are offering the best possible service to our clients.  Supervision affords us the time and space to reflect on our experiences in terms of the dynamics of our  coaching/client relationship,  it can challenge us to critically consider and evaluate our coaching approach, and can provide much needed time and focus to ensure we connect with our own needs as professional coaches.

If you would like to explore further what supervision with Kairos can offer you, get in touch via this web site,  Facebook, twitter, Linked in, Google+, text, or snail mail for a free no obligation initial consultation.

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Kairos celebrancy, leadership and coaching - About Tania WestKairos white logo
We all have “defining moments” in our lives and I am passionate about helping you mine the gold in them.

Make the most of your “defining moments” whether that’s a celebration around a significant rite of passage, a new relationship, a significant crossroads in your marriage, or a leadership opportunity that requires you to up your game.

Tania West, co-founder and working director of Kairos.
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